Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Week 9 Day 2 - Milestone

30 min run - and my first long distance run without having to stop and walk. Since we started the 25 min runs, which then lead to 28 min runs, and now 30 min runs I've always had to walk during the run for 1 to 2 minutes before being able to finish. Tonight however, I ran the whole 30 min without walking!!! I can't believe it. It felt much easier today than Day 1 this week, but it did feel excruciatingly LONG. I felt like we'd been running for 45min+. 30 minutes running, holy moly - its so crazy that at week 1 we were so horrible and out of shape. The program works kids....and we wrap it up on Friday!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Why Do I Run?

Monday, June 28, 2010

Finally, WEEK 9!!!!

Its a miracle, a fat girls dream, a true testament that anyone can become a runner. We made it to Week 9, all in one piece, mostly. These past few days my shins feel like the muscle is like ripping off the bone, its horrible. But when I actually run, its not that bad, so I still press on. So, requirement was a 30 min run tonight. I did a 28.5 run, and 1.5 min walk. Alisa did the whole 30, Im so proud of her, and she even did it with numb feet for our last leg.

We changed scenery for running tonight and please let me calmly emphasize
CHANGING YOUR RUNNING ENVIRONMENT IS ESSENTIAL!!!!!! My entire mood was different tonight during running that it has been the last couple of weeks running at the track. It was such a boost in my spirits. I know I could have not stopped for the 90 secs, but my mind still has a little hold over me, but I am working harder to just trust in my body and what I know it can do and be pushed through.

Two days, til our official graduation from the program I guess!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Week 8 Complete

Whew - what a hard week, if we could I think we'd repeat this week. Not only was Day 1 run cut short because of rain, but where we would normally feel "ready" to move onto the next week, we are still struggling with the 28 min runs. Even though we've only gone from 20, to 25, to 28, and now to 30 - it seems like such huge jumps. For week 8 day 3, I ran 24 minutes - I was running on very little food and very little sleep so I guess I consider the 24min as doing pretty good. Weird that the 24 was all I could do, when on day 2 I was able to go 30 min - its inconsistent. Have realized that hydration is so key in how you feel when you run, but haven't been disciplined enough with it. Anywho, onto week 9, our last week, which is three 30 min runs. Crazy that we are at this point!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Week 8 Day 1 and 2

This week is 3 days of 28 minute runs - yowsa!

W8D1 - Ran 15 minutes and then a lightening storm came and I got scared. I did however do the fastest mile I've ever done.

W8D2 - Ran 31 minutes, but walked a minute, so really ran 30 minutes, and finally finished two was the hardest run yet, I wanted to give up and walk the whole time, but all the runners around and alisa doing so well in front of me pushed me onward. My legs are soooo tired - I breathe fine and dont have much pain really, my legs are just so heavy and wont pick up. We marveled at all the little tiny runners tonight who make running look like its nothing. Maybe one day we can be like them.....

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Week 7 Day 3

25 min run tonight, wanted to try and run for about 30, but couldn't. Im still proud of my 25! Had to run without Alisa again tonight, but Amber was there doing her week, so I had company! Less leg pain tonight than usual, before I went I iced for awhile and took some drugs, so maybe thats the key to less leg pain. Sunday night starts week 8 which is 3 days of 28 minute runs, and then the last week is three 30 min runs, or 3 miles. CRAZY!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Week 7 Day 2

PAIN!!! I haven't hurt this bad in a long time, my legs are killing me......I made it the 25 minutes tonight but it was TOUGH. Alisa was out with her back tonight, but Amber had previously decided to join us so having her in the vicinity while running was helpful. I think I would have given in and walked tonight without someone there. I feel like there isn't any rhyme or reason sometimes to the ease of running. Sometimes Day 1 is killer hard to run, but this week Day 1 was WAY harder than today, Day 2. Day 3 is usually pretty consistently the easiest, so we'll see how Thursday goes. Must go ice and take lots of drugs.......

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Week 7 Day 1

25 minute run tonight......Painful at first, stopped and walked 15 seconds, then kind of got in my groove. At one point I wasn't breathing any harder than when I walk, and Im like hey I feel like I could go for quite awhile if only.......MY LEGS DIDNT HURT SO BAD! My right calf hurts so bad.....and its so frustrating to know that it would be so much easier if my leg just wouldn't hurt so bad. When I got to the 25 minute mark tonight, I decided to keep going to see what I could do and to try and make it up to Alisa, and I ran an extra 4 minutes!!! Its so much easier at the tail end of the run time than it is at the beginning. Can't believe we are on week 7, and our 8th week of running!

Alisa and I have had a lot of people talk to us about starting, or telling us their progress, and we are so excited. You should know that we are both doing this as "obese" people and so anyone can do it. Im not having any weight changes because of the stupid Depo shot, and I've still been able to move along. So don't let your weight make you scared to start. Michael on this past Biggest Loser season, was running way more than us at like 350lbs. Push yourself, and KNOW that you can do it.....

Friday, June 11, 2010

WEEK 6 Complete!

25 minute run tonight - it was hard!! I stopped once and walked for 20 seconds, and then ran an extra 20 to make up for it at the end. I ran about 1.5 miles. My legs hurt less afterward tonight than usual - before I ran I took ibuprofen and iced them awhile - maybe that helped. Cannot fathom that we are on week 7. Each day of week 7 is a 25 minute run - YIKES!

Alisa and I will finish the 9 week program right before I leave for Mexico. I've been in contact with a couple people in my Mexico class about running while we're there and several seem down for it. Don't want to get behind....

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Week 6 Day 2

10 min run, 3 min walk, 10 min run

Our ipods were both out of commission today, so we ran music-less, and that my friends is HARD. Without music I hear my every gasp for air and feel like I am waiting for every minute to pass, and waiting for 10 min to pass TWICE is hard. My legs still hurt really bad - Ive been wondering if its tight calves, shin splints, or maybe planting my foot wrong when I run (heel vs. toe first, etc.). So much pain after the run and then every day after....still taking advil and icing quite often. I know that when some weight comes off my legs will likely be much happier and maybe less likely to scream out in pain.

Speaking of the weight....went to the doc this week (lady doc), told him about having been running for 7 weeks now, and not having any change in weight. He said the Depo birth control shot is killing it for me, and that I prob won't see any dramatic weight changes til its out of my system which is in October - BLAH. He said not to be discouraged because Im still getting healthier, and more Im trying to focus on that.

Day 3, Friday, is a 25 minute run!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Week 6!

Week 6 Day 1
5 min run, 3 min walk, 8 min run, 3 min walk, 5 min run

Well it was definitely a Day 1 run and definitely a Monday. I had a really long day, on very little sleep last night, and my shins were hurting today - I DID NOT WANT TO RUN TONIGHT. If I didn't have Alisa scheduled to meet our place at our time, I know I would have sat on the couch and been lazy and then felt really really guilty that I didn't go. So I'm glad I went, but man was it hard today! Crazy that we ran 20 minutes strait on Friday but these little increments were hard today. Everything on our bodies hurt. I've noticed that even though its painful or miserable at times, I don't feel like "I need to stop or I'll die" like I used to. I more feel like "You feel miserable, and its hard, but you've felt this before its nothing new, and you can finish!" Came home much more energized than when I left so it really was a mood booster.

A lot of people we know are inspired by us and are starting the program themselves. Its very cool!

We decided today to shoot for running the Race for the Cure on Oct 2nd!

Ashley told us tonight about a 2 mile race on Sept 11 so we might try that one as well. The world is our oyster!!

Friday, June 4, 2010


We ran 20 minutes tonight - holy moly!! Alisa ran 1.5 miles and I did about 1.3 miles, all without stopping. WHO ARE WE??? We were fat girls who could hardly run the 90 second runs a few weeks ago and now we are running 20 minutes without stopping - what???? It was rigorous tonight but not total doom. Once I got to like 18minutes I felt like it was easy to push on. No noticeable pain while running but afterwards - OUCHIE - my shins are on fire.......keep reading a bunch on shin splints and trying to do exercises for them. Im so so proud of us, who would have ever thought we'd make it to Week 6. We are a good team, and would have likely given up long long ago without each other. Here's to us, and accomplishing a huge run tonight!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Week 5 Day 2 - MILESTONE

I wanna pause and remember this day and this feeling for a long time. I know it was only two legs of 8 minute runs, but it is a lot for us, after really struggling on the 90 second runs only a few weeks ago. Breathing was easier tonight, endurance was easier, afterwards was easier, everything was easier. I really wish we could do this day a few more times but we are off to 20 minute land on Friday. I think we can do it....but its gonna be a big jump!! My mentality is really changing, and I am so so grateful.